Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Snowman Song

During the past few days, the first big snow storm of the winter season has moved through Utah Valley. I knew this storm was going to hit about a week before it did, because that's when I led the kids at my church in singing the snowman song.

I discovered the powers of the snowman song during late November of last year. Lawns across the valley had gone brown either from drought or frost. It was hard to say, because it had been a particularly dry fall. I decided to do something about it, so I had the kids at my church sing the snowman song forwards and backwards. I think it's the backwards rendition that makes it a particularly powerful spell. Anyway, during the next four weeks, we had five major snow storms. By the time the fourth one hit, I was wishing our song didn't have such powerful mojo. But I couldn't think of how to reverse the spell, since we had already sung the song in both directions to invoke the storms. We just had to suffer through it all.

This year's fall produced the same dismal looking lawns, so I once again took the weather into my own hands. Only this time I decided that maybe I could could temper the onslaught of storms by having only some of the kids sing the snowman song backwards and forwards. So I had only the older kids sing it during their singing time. But then the older kids also wanted to sing the lightening song*, and the scientist in me just couldn't resist performing the experiment. So far, we've had one big storm with no electric effects whatsoever. However, if we get a huge storm that knocks out the electricity, I'm not taking responsibility. After all, it was 11-year old Alex's idea. He made me do it.

*The lightening song is sung to the tune, Rain is Falling All Around, and the lyrics are as follows:
Lightening's striking all around,
On the housetops, on the ground.
Lightening strikes me on the head.
Now I'm falling toasty dead.
Try it with your kids. I guarantee that even the boys will be singing.


Chlorine Addict said...

Sorry, Western United States. His bad.

Chlorine Addict said...

PS: I still need to make a documentary about his song called "An Inconvenient Song."

Danielle Mendel said...

I think the lighting song is the best song I have ever heard, I am feeling slightly deprived that I was never able to sing it in my primary experience. Guess what my brothers will be singing over Christmas break...

koohlman said...

I just like the car, it looks like one from Winnipeg that was left out for a few days. (a few meaning three)

Karie said...
