Saturday, August 16, 2008

Webkinz gets real

Having an eight year old daughter, there was no way that I could escape the world of Webkinz. If you are fortunate enough not to know what Webkinz are, let me fill you in. They're stuffed animals that have a secret code attached to them that allows the owner to access the Webkinz website and engage in many different activities, including games, to earn cash and buy stuff for the online version of the stuffed animal. A mere $13.95 allows you to own the stuffed animal and play for a year on the website. You can buy a smaller version of the Webkinz, called Lil'kins, for $10.95.

I'm not completely against Webkinz, because a lot of the activities that children can engage in on the website involve logical reasoning, mathematics, and reading. But the cuteness level is way too high for my comfort. That's why I was so excited when Ganz, the makers of Webkinz, announced their new line of realistic, dual use (the physical toy and the online version) animals. It's called the Parakinz line, and consists of all the cute, cudely parasites that are such an important part of our lives.

The first release in the line is the Laughy Leech, shown above. Larger than the real life version, it nonetheless features an expandable outer skin and an inner blood bean bag. Pull the blood bag out of the end of the leech and you have the pre-meal leech. Put it back in, and your leech is well-fed and happy. It's suction cup head comes with replaceable 1/4 inch thick circular sticky pads that can actually make the leech adhere to your skin. This lovable pet also has stitched ribbing on one side that makes it curl around your body as you pretend to let it gorge on your blood. Naturally, this Parakinz allows you to access new parts of the Webkinz website that are not available to owners of Webkinz or Lil'kinz. These new features educate you about all the fun parasites can have with your body. The suggested retail price is only $11.95.

Other parasites planned for the line include the Musky Mosquito, Limber Tapeworm, and Nimble Head Lice. If this line is successful, Ganz plans to introduce a line of keychain bacteria and viruses of some of the most popular human STDs through the ages. Imagine the possibility of owning the lovable stuffed animal version of Syphilis. Also, think about the educational value for the children. The possibilities are endless.


Chlorine Addict said...

I'm all for the Adorable AIDS, Happy Herpes and Silly Syphilis dolls. Kids can see the fun side of being infected debilitating diseases.

PS: What about stuffed prions? Imagine a Mad Cow Disease Webkinz.

Steverino said...

I'm with Chlorine Addict; I'd like "in" on the Cooky Creutzfeldt-Jakob Doll.

Lacking Productivity said...

I hear the tape worm one is great for weight loss.