Thursday, January 1, 2009

Not shaving, growing a beard, and staying employed

I began the Christmas break by taking a stand against shaving. After about three days, people started asking me if I was growing a beard. I assured them that I wasn't. I got a lot of strange looks. For most people, not shaving and growing a beard are the same thing. For me, not shaving means not using the razor at all for a period of time. Growing a beard, on the other hand, requires occasional shaving. Consequently, not shaving is much better than growing a beard.

Despite how much I enjoy not shaving, about Day 9 I had to shave my lower neck to keep myself from scratching raw sores in my neck. This led to further reflection, in which I concluded that growing a beard, while not as glorious as going without shaving, is nonetheless easier than shaving every day. Below is a picture of me in the beard growing phase.

The beard growing phase, however, must come to an abrupt end on January 5, because I cannot go to work with a beard and remain employed. I realize now that I have a somewhat circular value system related to shaving:
  1. Not shaving is the best UNTIL you begin to scratch your face off, after which...
  2. Growing a beard is the best UNTIL you are threatened with losing your job, after which...
  3. Shaving everyday (and being able to go to work) is the best UNTIL the next break from school comes along, after which... [return to #1].
I realize now that peace, harmony, and happiness come from following the shaving cycles of the universe. I'm having a total zen moment.


Lacking Productivity said...

I had a comment about shaving and whatnot, until I approached the word "zen" in your post, the same word that Paul used to gain a despicable 24-points, winning our game of Scrabble about 10 minutes ago.

I am still ticked at "zen."

Enjoy the next couple limited shaving days.

Steverino said...

I am glad you are becoming one with the Great Circle of Facial Hair. Just think what you could do on a sabbatical. But you didn't hear it from me.

Unknown said...

Wow--I can't wait to see what you grow with your summer break!

and...Zen is not a legal Scrabble word as it is a proper noun.