The first hour of the concert passed relatively painlessly, because I had brought a novel and read it during the beginning bands. My kids had been less wise, and they were wriggling and texting in their seats. And then my oboe player came on stage with the orchestra, and I had to put my novel away to maintain my "good father" status. The orchestra director, however, recognized that it had already been a long evening, and he kept his part of the program moving quickly. The orchestra finished in less than a half hour, and then the symphonic band came on the stage.
I was feeling hopeful at this point in the concert, because there were only four pieces left on the program. I thought that perhaps the concert might finish in less than 2 hours and 15 minutes, the previous record for the shortest band concert. No such luck. Not only were each of the pieces long, but in between each piece, the director talked and passed out awards. Unlike the orchestra director, the band director seemed to have no sense of the amount of time he was wasting and the growing restlessness in the audience. My two children were beginning to mutter threats and complaints after each song or presentation. But the band director droned on. To make matters even worse, all four of the pieces he selected were contemporary pieces—you know, the kind of pieces that are so dissonant that you can't tell if the musicians are playing the notes correctly. We spent nearly the whole time squirming in our seats. The only thing that kept my head from exploding was an occasional oboe solo. I seriously don't know how the kids survived.
Perhaps even more annoying than all of that, though, was the screaming that went on when certain people received band awards. The worst was the lustful screaming for Brayden Santos. The girls behind us seriously screamed his name for two minutes, repeating over and over again how hot he was. I nearly stood up, turned around and screamed back, "Brayden's mine, you whore!"
The concert finally ended at 9:40. We had been there for 3 hours. I thought Wendy's frosties and frosty floats were in order. When I got home, my wife, who has not attended a single high school band concert all year long, asked me why I was so cranky. I told her that she would soon find out because next year was her turn to go to the band concerts. Then, out of pity for her future suffering, I let her have some of my frosty.
I have always been a proponent of dessert after band concerts. It is only a Band-Aid, but there have been many times that tiny bandage has kept me from crying.
As for the band concert. The last one of the year is the worst...they fill it with crazy awards and inside jokes. So the whole audience sits in confusion while 30 people on stage are cracking up, cheering, and pretending to be happy for whoever won. Miserable.
you sound like a saint, how did you end up with a loser woman like that for a wife? Marry me next time, I'm a winner (according to me of course). J_girl
I survived only because I was busy memorizing scripture masteries. I was sustained only because it obviously wasn't my time to go.
They are the longest concerts of all time!!! I would have paid to see you scream at the girls behind you, that would have been so funny. Maybe even a cat fight would have broke out.
Wow. I used to feel sorry for band directors. Especially my boy's 6th grade band director. Here was this talented guy, who obviously loved music, and was probably talented. And he spent his entire day with kids who played a variety of instruments, only some with slightly more skill than my boy. That is torture!
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