Monday, May 12, 2008

Prom Pictures 2008

My two oldest boys went to prom this year. I've learned that being the father of the boys means I don't get to take any pictures of the boys with their dates. Here is a picture of my two boys in black along with their friend Kyler from next door, taken just before church started on the following day. Kyler refused to wear his rented tux to church, so he wore his grandfather's tux instead. Also, he wouldn't give me a normal smile.

Okay, Ky, you can't produce a normal smile, but you feel comfortable doing this? You're going to need a really, really good campaign manager if you're ever going to be president of the US.

Here's a picture of Matt with his good friend Samantha. I told him that when he marries her, we will put this picture up at the wedding and pretend that she was his prom date. Samantha's mom thought I was hilarious. Matt thought I was so funny that he was ready to walk home.

Yep, they're good lookin' guys. No way to help that.

"Ain't a just irresistible?"

"I'm waaaaay cool in a tux."

"I'm too sexy for my vest, too sexy for my vest, too sexy -- no jest!"

"Cut! And that's a wrap!"

"Just practicing for my next Bond film. Hope Samantha's the Bond girl."


Karie said...

Love the Pictures! Thanks for posting them!

Natalie said...

Oh, your boys definitely rocked those tuxes. I miss seeing them at dances. Dang.

Lacking Productivity said...

Nice. Keep on rocking boys!